
Webhooks for Remote Configuration Changes

Diagram of webhooks

Webhooks can be used to notify third-party services or downstream operations whenever a remote configuration has been updated in the Joystick remote configuration management platform.

For example, when a remote configuration has been updated or a particular environment has been synced you can:

  • Send a notification to Slack or Discord
  • Trigger a downstream CI/CD pipeline process

Webhook Triggers

Trigger Description Filters / Options
Content Updated Whenever any configuration has been updated. You can filter/watch for any particular configuration by contentId or for watch for changes in any particular environment.
Environment Synced Whenever an environment has been synced using the environment sync tool. You can filter for any particular source or target environments to watch.

Creating a Webhook

Navigate to Webhooks

Webhooks management view with no webhooks

Building the Webhook

We have a self-explanatory webhook builder where you can select your triggering event and customize watch options and the request.

Webhooks for remote configuration changes builder

Webhook Request

Our webhook will be a POST request to an url/endpoint you specify. You can customize the request endpoint, headers and body.


If a call to a webhook endpoint fails (non-200 response), we will automatically disable the webhook. You can re-enable it manually.

Webhook Request Body Variables
Trigger Variables available in the body
Configuration content updated configContentId, configDescription, configHash, configVersion, userName, updateAt, environmentContentId, environmentName, productContentId, productName
Environment Synced sourceEnvironmentContentId, sourceEnvironmentName, targetEnvironmentContentId, targetEnvironmentName, userName, updateAt, configsPushedSuccessCount, configsPushedErrorCount, configsPushedSuccessList, configsPushedErrorList

Body Templates for Discord and Slack

When you have configuration changes, one of the things you may want to do is notify your team in Slack or Discord.

In our webhook builder we already have body templates for Slack an Discord so you can easily set this up. You can use these as a starting point for your own webhook. Simply click on the template you want to use (it will copy to your clipboard), then paste it into the body field.
