
2-way and 3-way JSON Configuration Merge Tool

The 2-way and 3-way JSON Configuration Merge tool allows you to merge JSON configurations across environments and/or versions. You and your team may have made changes to a particular config in different environments. This tool allows you to selectively combine/merge changes from two or three different configs easily, then create a new version of the configuration.

Merge Editor

Accessing the JSON Configuration Merge Tool

There are several ways to access the JSON Configuration Merge tool.

From the Tool Bars

You can access the merge tool from the tool bars on the left or the top right.

Access the merge tool from the tool bars

From the Sync Tool

When using the Sync Tool, you can click "Diff" in the middle column to see the differences between the configs. From the diff viewer that opens up, click "Merge Changes" on the top right. You will be taken to the two-way merge tool with the source and target configs pre-loaded.

Access the Merge Tool from the Sync Tool

Access the Merge Tool from the Sync Tool

From the Version Diff Viewer

When viewing the details of a single config, and you want to merge changes from different versions, simply select the two versions you want to merge from the left, then click "Compare ...". From the diff viewer that opens up, click "Merge Changes" on the top right. You will be taken to the two-way merge tool with the source and target configs pre-loaded.

Access the Merge Tool from the Diff Viewer

Access the Merge Tool from the Diff Viewer

From the Push Dialog

When viewing the details of a single config, you can click on "Push" to initiate syncing a single config to another environment. There is an option to "Merge...". You will be taken to the two-way merge tool with the source and target configs pre-loaded.

Using the JSON Configuration Merge Tool

When the open the Merge Tool directly, you can select 2-way or 3-way. In 2-way the result of the config on the right will be saved to the indicated environment. The 3-way the result of the config in the middle will be saved to the indicated environment.

Saving the Result

In both cases, when you "save" the result, a new version will be created in the indicated environment. Previous versions will not be touched/changed.

Select the Configs

Select the environment, config and specific version you want to merge or combine, then click "Start Merge".

Merge the Changes

The merge editor will show you the differences. You can make changes in the destination editor (on the right for the 2-way, or the middle for 3-way). You can also use the small arrows present near the line numbers.

When are satisfied with your changes, click "Save Merged Changes" on the bottom right. There is information next to the button about where the new version will be saved.

You will then be presented with a confirmation dialog where you can enter the description for the change. Click "Save Merged Changes" to create the new version.


The merge tool is an implementation of the web-based merge editor Mismerge by Davide.